Lessons run from August to May, the same as the school year. My studio follows the school board calendar for the holiday breaks. At the beginning of each year, the new calendar will be posted at the studio and on-line at I will notify you of any special event dates as they are made available to me.
Tuition, Registration, & Book Fees:
Annual Registration Fee: $75.00
Group Lessons - 50 min. - $90.00 per month (if available)
Private Lessons – 45 min - $110.00 per month (recommended for 2nd yr)
Private Lessons – 60 min - $135.00 per month (option for 4th grade up)
Private Lessons – 30 – min. $65.00 per month
Annual Registration Fee: $40.00
Group Les. (Mommy and Me) – 30 min. - $50.00 per month
Payment is due by the 10th of each month. If tuition is not paid by the 11th there will be a $25.00 late fee. You can send the payment with the student at the time of the first lesson of the monthor pay on-line. This fee will be strictly enforced. E-mails will be sent as reminder at the beginning of each month. If you fall two months behind on tuition payments, your child will no longer be given lessons until payment is made in FULL. Your lesson time can then be given to another student.
Should there be any questions regarding the statement or its accuracy, you must put the issue in writing and submit to First Octave Piano Studio 126 E. Weeks Dr., Youngsville, La., 70592.
If it should be necessary for First Octave Piano Studio to file suit to collect any delinquent tuition, music fees, and/or late payment charges, the parent(s) or person(s) obligated to pay the tuition, music fees, and/or late payment charges will be obligated to pay all court costs and attorney fees incurred.
All fees paid are non-refundable!
Missed Lessons:
Your lesson time is reserved for you, please be on time. Also, you MUST pick your child up on time. If you are more than 15 minutes late picking up your child, you will be charged a $10.00 late fee. An additional $5.00 will be charged for every additional 15 minutes you are late until your child is picked up. It is very hard to watch your child while trying to teach another student. This takes away from the next students lesson time.
Tuition WILL NOT be reduced for missed lessons. Your instructor will be there, you are expected to be there also. If you must miss a lesson, please notify me within 24 hours. If the instructor should miss a lesson for a family emergency, you will be notified as soon as possible. Sporting, social events, and doctor appointments are not acceptable excuses for missed lessons. Family emergencies (i.e. death in the family, or hospital stays) are acceptable excuses for missed lessons. Students with acceptable excuses will be given the opportunity to make up those lessons at the instructor’s availability.
Withdrawal and Dismissal:
If a student wishes to withdraw, after the first 6 months obligation is complete, a 30 – day written notice is required, or you must pay the next month’s tuition.
If a student is dismissed it will be for one of the following reasons:
Coming to lessons unprepared – 5 times
Not coming to lessons at all – 5 times
Non-payment of tuition or other expenses - 2 months
Disrespect to the teacher or the equipment.
Required and Special Events:
Required events will be the Holiday and Spring Recital. This applies to all students!
Other events are greatly encouraged; they let the student see that there is a bigger world of piano outside of the private studio. These special events allow the students to set goals and accomplish them. The other events include the following:
Technique Tournament - $10
State Rally Competition - $25
Hymn Playing Competition - $20
National Federation Festival - $20
Other events I will give dates and fees as they become available to me.
Music may be purchased at the following locations:
First Octave Piano Studio
Lafayette Music
If a student’s music is not purchased by the third week of lessons a $50.00 fee will be assessed to your next month’s tuition: I will then purchase the music for the student. EXCEPTION: $50.00 will not be assessed if the music is on backorder.
If music is loaned to a student it is to be returned. If it has been mistreated you will be responsible for the replacement of the music.
Piano Time at Home:
Student requirements:
Play at home as instructed in each lesson. This will be notated in the student’s assignment book or on the music.
Play at home the amount of time requested in the assignment book.
Make notes if there are any questions so they can be addressed at the next lesson.
Parent requirements:
Provide adequate equipment for the student to be able to play on.
Keep the instrument tuned – no less than once a year
Keyboards (min 61 keys) are allowed only for the first-year student. Second year student will need full size keyboard (88 keys) that are weighted and has must have a pedal.
Set a specific quiet time each day for piano/practice time.
Provide a quiet environment for concentration for playing at home.
Check the student’s assignment book for specific goals for that week.
Parents are encouraged to sit in on any lesson that they choose. If you have any questions concerning the assignments given, call me, text me, send me an e-mail, or use Facebook messenger. Please do not wait until the next lesson. We do not expect that we teach to be a virtuoso pianist. My goal in teaching piano is that the student grows a love for music. Not just for this time in their life but for their lifetime.